Term used by chavs to refer to whatever shithole they're from. Normally a council estate.
Ryan the chav: these are my ends on this council estate innit bruv
Ordinary person: And you're proud of living in this shithole? Anyway stop talking and finish making my fries.
by Chav destroyer February 10, 2022
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A complete stop of every activity which you are currently involved in, usually leads to interesting disscussion about the topics on hand.
No, it's time for The End.
by nimpercent June 20, 2004
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Compensation, usually cash. Derived from the expression "making ends meet".
A Tribe Called Quest's Q-Tip from "Everything is Fair":

"She just got a Benz,
she rides with her friends,
gotta keep a beeper in her purse to make ends..."
by KCander October 5, 2006
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Derived from 'end' describing someone as very drunk - heard in and around Birmingham in England but might be more wide spread.
Bob: I'm getting ended tonight!
Jim: Yeah, let's get ended and pull some fit birds!
by V2 December 24, 2004
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The ultimate phrase to use in an arguement.
Roughly translated it asks the recipient to commit suicide.
"Yeah well I'm cooler than you," says person 1
"Yeah good one buddy, end it," says person 2
Sound of gun shot.
by Jack Diddly Squat December 12, 2003
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The 'would be' answer, for the question which is becoming more and more frequently asked without expecting a response:
"What is the world coming to?"
You step out of Tim Horton's with your best friend,
suddenly, you are mugged of your coffee.
Your friend turns to you as you stare in disbelief, and says:
"Wow, mugged for a coffee. What's the world coming to?"
you can reply:
"An end."
by Leonos May 25, 2006
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