a hell of a song by the doors, but LONG. Almost 12 minutes.
Great song though. Worth the time.
by Adrian Herrera January 22, 2005
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"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"
by duds August 15, 2005
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1. When You're Lost in a Roman Wilderness of Pain, and all the children are insane, my beautiful friend.

2. You suddenly realize what a cocksucker you've been, pull your head out of your ass and chop it off to do society a favor.
by Fenian_Devil December 28, 2005
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using this phrase at the end of a text message stating that you no longer want to continue to text
(annoying person): hey wat r u doinn.?

(me):nothing... THE END.!!!!

(annoying person): silent
by sally lemons&mary samples April 15, 2011
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A true masterpiece by The Doors that can be about anything you want it to be whether if it is about depression, heartbreak, break up or divorce, insanity, pain, saying goodbye, death, moving to another place or state, life, ending a friendship or relationship with someone or a girl/guy you liked but will never get the chance with because neither one of them wanted to confess their feelings for that person and/or each other and will most likely end up a star under someone else’s sky unless they do whatever they can to find each other. Either way it is a great song that every single living individual should listen to.
This is The End beautiful friend! This is The End my only friend the end it hurts to set you free but you will never follow me! The End of laughter and soft lies. The End of nights we tried to die!
by Girls ❤️ shafts February 20, 2019
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