Going outside, away from the internet.
Same as "to touch grass".
Popular in certain politics communities on reddit and twitter, originated from "touching grass" being described as ableist and in a need of a replacement.
Same as "to touch grass".
Popular in certain politics communities on reddit and twitter, originated from "touching grass" being described as ableist and in a need of a replacement.
I'm ootl on X, what is up with it?
Way to humblebrag about eating grass chad
Didn't you know <something hard to understand>
Go eat grass, you definitely need it
Way to humblebrag about eating grass chad
Didn't you know <something hard to understand>
Go eat grass, you definitely need it
by Olety December 5, 2021
Having no opinion
by Ace the simp April 15, 2023
eating grass is another word for "making out" soft of like asking for consent but less awkward, all you have to do is put a short piece of grass between your lips in hope that person b will grab it with their lips, resulting back and forth.
by SJjIhd May 30, 2021
When someone has been bodied or tackled to the ground in a game of sport they are known as to be eating grass. There face is down on the ground and they begin to start munching on the grass in embarrassment
by Big D 25 February 12, 2021
A reply to someone when they have done something foolish (i.e. there are wiser things than you, that eat grass).
Person 1: I jumped off the hotel balcony into the swimming pool.
Person 2: There's wiser eating grass.
Person 2: There's wiser eating grass.
by Grass-eater August 26, 2022
When you kick someone's ass so hard, they land in a field surrounded by cows. Their only option is to comply with cow customs and join in on the eating of the grass.
"I kicked Todd's ass so hard, he had to eat that grass all weekend"
Todd was beaten up and forced to partake in grass eating.
Todd was beaten up and forced to partake in grass eating.
by Scrowl The Owl April 29, 2019
The lowest level of bribery, generally associated with breaking the law i.e. dirty cop/agent/attourney. This could be as simple as taking free food and coffee from local eateries and turning a blind eye to there less than stellar activities or keeping confiscated goods without raising any flags or perpatrating the offenders.
Referred to by this name because the parties invovled are not making significant exchanges of worth but more like grazing off the top.
Referred to by this name because the parties invovled are not making significant exchanges of worth but more like grazing off the top.
Chubbs has been grass eating for years, it was only a matter of time before he got on Noreaga's take.
cop1: "You need to cut that grass eating shit out Pat, you are going to get the whole force in some shit."
cop2: "Relax, no one is going to miss one zipper when we turn in the two kilos..."
cop1: "You need to cut that grass eating shit out Pat, you are going to get the whole force in some shit."
cop2: "Relax, no one is going to miss one zipper when we turn in the two kilos..."
by Cux August 27, 2006