
When ur tongue tied and try to say "company" and "immensely" together, this is the result :D
I enjoy your comply.
by Bee April 22, 2005
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We will not comply!

The most patriotic slogan for yelled by the American people who are tired of being lead astray.
The slogan We will not comply! is a great way to express dismay about the political climate.
by Slang Advisory Board March 30, 2019
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We will not comply!

A patriotic slogan for people who are tired of government tyranny.
We will not comply! We shall fight the lies!
by Type2GenomeManiac March 30, 2019
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V. The act of witnessing your significant other get complimented by another person
Bruh! You didn’t hear that shit? You just straight up “compli-cucked” my guy!
by JazzMazter October 25, 2022
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When you are about to compliment someone, but another person gives them the same compliment before you.
A: "Oh my goodness, look at her hair! Hold on, I need to go over there."

B: "Yo girl, the hair looks nice."

C: "Thank you so much!"

A: "Well damn, looks like I got compli-cucked."
by ThatWeirdo>:D November 2, 2022
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