When a person, is such a douche that spelling the word traditionally does not begin to describe how much of a douche they are. So, you start adding o 's. The more ''o''s, the bigger the douche.
Brian is becoming a real Douche. Yeah, but Kevin is a fucking Doosh and Matt is a Doooosh.
by A-Paul_ing_behavior January 27, 2009
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the sound it makes when a vinegar truck collides with a water truck
me: whoa, look at those trucks, theyre gonna crash!
trucks: doosh!
by hoboman September 12, 2003
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A fairly common misspelling of the word, "douches"
In fact, some computer speech synthesis programs require one to use this spelling, or else it comes out sounding like, "dowchez".
{Brief program typed on the Commodore 64 computer running the SAM (Software Automated Mouth) speech synthesis program}

0 reciter
1 say "he drinks Massengill brand post-menstrual disposable dooshes."
2 end
by Telephony June 1, 2016
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An onomatopoeic word to describe the sound made by a ferocious shot/header/tackle in a football game.onomatopoeia
'And Ronaldo's arriving at the far post, DOOSH!
by Hossy 1981 April 2, 2008
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A word describing the sound your body makes when it gets pushed onto a pile of snow. Also can be used to describe the sound of when you sketched out on a jump either snowboarding or skiing and hit the ground (snow) with your body.
"I was walking with my girl when out of nowhere she pushed me onto a snow bank"
"Then I got up and grabbed her face and repeatedly shoved it into the snow bank!"
by J-Money $ December 1, 2005
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When you absolutely snap ones shoe off their foot.
Caw blimey, Maisie just dooshed Naomi.
by MazzBazz January 23, 2019
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An incorrect way to spell douche. Idiots spell it like this cause they are retarded and cant spell. or it is used because it just looks better. As in dood for dude. it helps when trying to extend the length of douche.
TREYL0:"dude that kid is such a doosh!"

by TREYL0 August 24, 2007
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