by Kalljuian March 12, 2005
A video on youtube featuring the comedian Liam Sullivan. Most people either hate or love it but it is definitely getting its five minutes of fame. Common catchphrases include betch and deck.
"'Shoes, ohmygod, shoes!'"
by Dominique S January 8, 2007
An Iraqi reporter takes off his shoe and throws it at Bush. Then proceeds to take off his other shoe to throw it at Bush again. Therefore throwing two shoes. The secret service failed at taking down this Iraqi reporter quickly.
by Melissa Makela January 9, 2009
by Rusty213 August 17, 2005
1.) "Yo boo, you gots a nice pair of shoes on ya."
2.) "Yo, shorty girl. You got some bomb-ass titties. And your shoes are nice, too."
2.) "Yo, shorty girl. You got some bomb-ass titties. And your shoes are nice, too."
by Rojizzle Chin February 28, 2005
Makes for a great code word for smoking weed in general polite conversation in public or via text for the more paranoid stoner.
by Seth Deegan September 7, 2004