That's not Thatcher. He knows japanese and sleeps anywhere (including your bedroom). He streams us cool movies and initiates furry study rooms.He is friends with the one of the coolest people on earth, Himari <3.
Thank you Donat.
Christmas Donat and Himari are friends :D
by vikachou October 17, 2021
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While having relations the guy pulls out and ejaculates on his partner and sticks it back in immediately for another round.
OMG! You came already?

Yeah, but I'm about to give you a double donation.
by Dank Waffles July 29, 2021
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1. "Deposits" of "man-milk" dat one or more virile dudes make to a hot chick whom they're on intimate terms with, either because she wants a baby, or just because she's horny all da time.
2. Da b**ls**t description dat greedy ministers and televangelists use to label requested money from their already-cash-strapped audience with da implications dat said donors will then "reap bountiful rewards from God", but which said Bible-blabbers then use merely for their own personal gain.
"Seed donations" can also sarcastically refer to either child-support payments dat a guy hasta pay a gal whom he knocked up, or "hush money" dat he hasta give her so dat she won't blab to others about his having had sex with her.
by QuacksO May 31, 2019
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when woman has to use man or vice versa for a sex healing practice, due from vagina suffering tampon tear, the penis being distraught in itself from too much condoms or bruised, or just outright not healthy, or vagina bruise from pap smear metal rod that some girls are allergic to, or after being washed from being exposed to harmful gases, alchohol, or other substances.
I can't believe that sometimes we need to use a butterfly donation to keep or privates sparkling.....

Without a butterfly donator everyone knew her clit would've been a camel toe or maybe inside out.
by europopian August 23, 2009
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Name - donat

Not knowing how to pass the ball

Needs 50$ to sniff that kitty
Donat is such a cool kid
by Fifa201 November 23, 2021
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by November 22, 2021
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a mix of the words "Don't" and "Do Not." People may say this word during times of intensity or panick, because they are trying to get someone not to do a specific action.
DONAT touch that, the Father sharply said as he pulled his child away from the cars sliding door handle on the highway.
by Hubbz April 13, 2018
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