Calgary youth savages, a well known gang of closet homosexuals who rose to fame when their hit single "i diddle lil keeeds" dropped on youtube. Two members underwent transformation surgery to become women.
Yo cys is str8 bonkas!
by Steph curry mcflurry January 3, 2020
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Has a bigger Wenis than penis.
Girl 1: Have you seen Cy’s penis.
Girl 2: No. The Wenis is where it’s at.
by Calebfanboy November 1, 2019
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when u have secks on the computer with another person on the computer
lets cy if u want some dairy biotch !
by Tien Shin Han December 1, 2003
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chubtastical moron of a baseball player, who only hears what he wants.
by Emily February 27, 2005
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A crackhead school where people bang in staircase 6, every fight involves pepper spray, and it’s so crowded it takes 7 mins to get to each class. And you will never see the sophomore area not smelling like weed.
John: do you go to cy creek ?
Eric: don’t you mean cy crack?
by Jodiisahoe September 23, 2019
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Holiday; A Day to celebrate Roundness and Gluttony. See Also: Thanksgiving.
"Happy Cy Day, everybody! Let us feast!"
by TrishLovesCy November 24, 2006
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