by Bud E Love May 7, 2003
Person1 (stereotypically British) - Oi bruv, hand that crank over.
Person2 (also stereotypically British) - Yeah sure mate, how much do you need, also ya mum is peng
Person2 (also stereotypically British) - Yeah sure mate, how much do you need, also ya mum is peng
by vocal percussion June 16, 2020
Meth amphetamine, aka CRANK is called Crank because it cranks you up, you are driven, full of energy, cranked up, like the volume on a radio, full blast, to the maximum. The idea that the drug is called Crank because it was smuggled in crank cases of vehicles is so ridiculous it is laughable. How much Crank do you think you could stash in the crank case of any vehicle, much less a motorcycle? Half a gram? What? And what do you suppose you would contain the meth in? Pour it into the oil, and then somehow retrieve it through chemical processes? Only a spun-out meth-head would buy into that belief. Ludicrous!
by funslinger88 June 7, 2014
"Whats that noise?"
"Oh nothing, Sharky just broke up with his girlfriend so he is cranking night and day"
"Oh nothing, Sharky just broke up with his girlfriend so he is cranking night and day"
by Ricky Miller May 17, 2007
If someone has been provoked or wound up enough to get annoyed, respond angrily, or lose their cool, they have been cranked - or they are cranked. The word is then often employed on its own to crank them even further.
See also: To crank, crankage.
See also: To crank, crankage.
Person 1: Haha, that game lacks creative vision.
Person 1: STFU it's a great game you idiot.
Person 2: Cranked.
Person 3: You're all a bunch of knobheads, why don't you leave me alone!
Everyone: Person 3 is cranked.
Person 1: STFU it's a great game you idiot.
Person 2: Cranked.
Person 3: You're all a bunch of knobheads, why don't you leave me alone!
Everyone: Person 3 is cranked.
by KevstarSpillmaster January 23, 2012
The act of crying and wanking (masturbation)at the same time.
This term comes from 'Ye Olde English' originating from the reign of King Henry VIII and his desperation in not being able to produce a male heir to carry on the Tudor dynasty. It was discovered by a lowly servant who stumbled upon the King in floods of tears and covered in copious amounts of semen. This information was a state secret until 2007 when it was released under Freedom of Information Act.
This term comes from 'Ye Olde English' originating from the reign of King Henry VIII and his desperation in not being able to produce a male heir to carry on the Tudor dynasty. It was discovered by a lowly servant who stumbled upon the King in floods of tears and covered in copious amounts of semen. This information was a state secret until 2007 when it was released under Freedom of Information Act.
'Last night I watched Hugh Grant in Love Actually it was a performance of a lifetime it touched me in so many ways I just had to have a crank'
'Every since I heard my Mum and Dad had died in a horrible dolphin accident I've had to crank myself to sleep every night'
'Late at night after his girlfriend had gone to sleep Steven Peters Matthews would slowly crank over her delicate jawline'
Mohinder: Hey guys do you all wanna go to the beach and catch some waves and then afterwards we can go to Chad's house and have communal crank'
Bruce: That sounds totally crazy sick Mohinder I'll give Chuck a ring he loves cranking'
'Man I just watched Schindler's List, it was like totally sad but that little girl in the red coat was so hot i just had to have a crank'.
'The other day I was having a glorious wank in the woods when I saw a cute bunny rabbit get brutally mutilated by a hedgehog it turned my once in a lifetime wanking experience into a mournful cranking session'
'Every since I heard my Mum and Dad had died in a horrible dolphin accident I've had to crank myself to sleep every night'
'Late at night after his girlfriend had gone to sleep Steven Peters Matthews would slowly crank over her delicate jawline'
Mohinder: Hey guys do you all wanna go to the beach and catch some waves and then afterwards we can go to Chad's house and have communal crank'
Bruce: That sounds totally crazy sick Mohinder I'll give Chuck a ring he loves cranking'
'Man I just watched Schindler's List, it was like totally sad but that little girl in the red coat was so hot i just had to have a crank'.
'The other day I was having a glorious wank in the woods when I saw a cute bunny rabbit get brutally mutilated by a hedgehog it turned my once in a lifetime wanking experience into a mournful cranking session'
by Malcom McCroat February 13, 2009
A quick form of masturbation in which one does not have ample time to properly pleasure themselves. Also can refer to repeated masturbation.
by jdubbs March 22, 2006