5 definitions by vocal percussion


Person I-Man, I can't find my chin
Leafy-First time?
by vocal percussion February 22, 2022
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A slang for meth
Person1 (stereotypically British) - Oi bruv, hand that crank over.
Person2 (also stereotypically British) - Yeah sure mate, how much do you need, also ya mum is peng
by vocal percussion June 16, 2020
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Annoying little twats that track your carbon monoxide and bite the shit out of you
Person: Fuck i got bit by a mosquito
Person2: Watch out for those blood sucking cunts
by vocal percussion June 28, 2020
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Jake Paul

Person1 = I licked my own ass crack
Person2= You are just like Jake Paul
by vocal percussion May 26, 2020
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Dream Stan Syndrome

When a group of people, or a mass of people, build a cult of personality around one person and think that person can't do anything wrong.
Person1: Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong!
Person2: Wow, it sounds like you have a serious case of Dream Stan Syndrome!
by vocal percussion February 11, 2021
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