
When you become so isolative in your life, that you enter a cocoon, becoming self sufficient & not reliant on others.

You care not for interaction of other human beings as they bore the tits of you.
Any small talk attempted by strangers will incur an involvement of involuntary vomiting towards them & onto them.
Dave - I have not seen Jeff in weeks?

Joe - He`s cocooned man. He has entered the twilight zone of his own mind and no one is invited.
by flightyzeus July 21, 2012
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To take vacation or comfort in the solitude one's own home --in effect wrapping oneself up, away from crowds or busy other places.
Some sociologist say that more and more more Americans, tired of increasing discomforts and cost of travel take to cocooning in one's own home.
by Luddz June 4, 2015
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When someone excludes themselves from society and attempts to improve on a certain factor of themselves such as a particular skill, their personal appearance or an assignment so when they're done they feel like a beautiful butterfly.
Person A: "Is Andrew coming to the party?"
Person B: "Nah he's cocooning."
Person A: "What for?"
Person B: "He's trying to get in shape."
by theguyfromthepole November 9, 2013
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when an ugly child becomes a hot teen or adult.
"wow alex was an ugly child!"
"yeah man but she's a cocooner"
"it's too bad her sister was a reverse cocooner"
"i know tell me about it"
by ugaswimmer August 25, 2008
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Usually occurs when laying on one's back when wrapped in blanket so that only their head is shown; blanket is also tucked under their feet and under arms. Looks like one is making a cocoon as butterflies would.
Girl walks into living room where she see's her sister watching tv, tightly cuddled into a blanket.

Girl: "Aw, look at you all nestled up there."
Sister: "Yeah, im cocooning, it's the best way to keep warm."
by MissMakeup August 23, 2011
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The act of pouring hot wax on your balls to create a covering like a cocoon.
I am going to cocoon myself.
by Dawn Keebals January 13, 2020
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retreating to the seclusion of your home (as for privacy or escape)
I put on my favorite bulky clothes and laid on the sofa for hours. I was cocooning because I did not want to be bothered by anyone today.
by Suzie Quinn April 27, 2007
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