Carrying out chemistry work, such as coursework for a qualification.
We are chemistrying all day today!
by Alan Epton March 21, 2007
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The only natural science that can be broken down into the categories "making drugs" and "blowing stuff up". Unfortunately, chemistry isn't all fun and games, mostly because of chemistry teachers, who are always bitching about things like "significant figures" and "molality versus molarity".
Remember that chemistry demonstration where the teacher burned his eyebrows off? That was hilarious.
by Al February 5, 2004
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1. the art of pretending to be a noble gas

2. an agonizing high school class designed to teach students about definition 1
1. I'm going to do some chemistry.

2. I failed chemistry.
by LawrenceMK2 December 2, 2020
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A class required in high school designed to make your day shit. The driest assholes from your nearest community college are rounded up and given worksheets to keep for their entire teaching career, of which they make endless copies and in an orgy of sadistic joy they throw them at you and tell you to learn. Chemistry itself if the science of the smallest fucking shit in the universe that just so happens to require the most detailed math problems. If you know what you're doing, you probably don't.
"All right students, keep in mind 2 out of 3 times in chemistry, there is an exception to the rule."

"That make's sense. I'll always remember the hydronium concentration of sulfuric acid. That will help me when I'm the fucking president and making ten times more than my chemistry teacher."
by redwings96 May 6, 2013
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Wow god must really hate me for putting me in chemistry.
by sdgks November 4, 2010
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feelings between people(especially friends and romantic interests) about how they relate to each other, usually positive feelings, interpersonal chemistry
They have got some major chemistry going on.
by The Return of Light Joker September 14, 2008
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A science in which one extends their knowledge of the Periodic Table by occasionally mixing the wrong chemicals, lighting stuff on fire, freezing stuff in liquid nitrogen, highlighting the hell out of their periodic table until it looks like a unicorn licked it, and understanding how all this stuff applies to the little tiny bits that make up every last bit of everything.
Person 1: Hey! Did you guys do that lab today in Chemistry with the thing that blew up?

Person 2: Yeah! That was so totally epic!
by Dreamweaver38 April 9, 2010
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