The cool slang term for an Ensign rank in Socom 2 US Navy Seals. The ensign ranking is represented by one yellow bar and looks like a stick of butter.
Tony Almeda is a life long Butter Stick because he is ranked 570 000+.
by Constantine Voyages January 6, 2004
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When your at the movies with a girl adn you buy a big bucket of popcorn, well your girl isnt lookin you poke a hole in the bottom of the bucket, now you unzip and slide your cock in the hole and into teh popcorn now when your girl goes to grab some popcorn she gets a big surprise she didnt expect
the first time she garbbed my cock is when i gave her a butterstick
by Ddizzle July 30, 2004
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An extremely white cock; a penis that is whiter than an untanned ass.
Girl1: Hey, Johnny was frogging me really hard last night!
Girl2: That's gross, his weiner is a butter stick.
by SourPwnage November 11, 2012
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The meaning of Butter Stick is when a young male teen decides to masturbate for the first time so he decides to use ordinary lotion to lather his penis so it will be easier for him to masturbate.
As I was watching porn last night, I decided to do a Butter Stick for the first time last night. It was like I was in heaven as I was doing this.
by OH_ MY_ GOD!_YOU_KILLED_KENNY! February 1, 2015
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Butter the stick, and act of doing something kind; doing something for someone else; being generous; doing something just to be nice and not asking something in return
I saw a dog at the shelter and decided to butter the stick, and adopt it; there was a homeless man on the road with his wife and I decided to butter the stick (give him money)
by Katy Barothness November 14, 2017
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An obscure urban Minneapolis-based term for a sloppy reload, esp. with a pistol. The "butter-stick" refers to the magazine of the gun, as someone struggles to insert the magazine into the well due to shaking, slipping, or wrong angle, like in this case, a stick of butter. New, inexperienced, or under pressure shooters, often in combat, tend to butter-stick their mags more than others.
Tyler butter-sticked his spare magazine in the middle of a shootout over North.
by Hi! I'm Paul! March 31, 2022
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