A person, who is overweight. They are also very annoying. They never do anything. They are usually called a dumbass. Most likely a person you only talk to when you need somthing.
My friend Austin, is a fat annoying Fuck. All he ever does is smoke weed and eat all day.
by mr stiff March 17, 2014
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A person who is extremeley annoying, where you wish you could shoot yourself in the head. More commonly referred to as no friends, a large douche, someone kill her, & GOD DAMN ugly. Level 5 clinger.
"AHAHhahaaAHahha," laughed Alex Temple as fake as she could. "Wow she's annoying as FUCK." Colton frowned. "And ugly!" Exclaimed Austin.
by dietwater April 30, 2006
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Sooo annoying that you cannot describe it as something else
asThis guy was annoying as fuck in my class so I had to teach him a lesson
by trampa7 April 20, 2015
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when something is so annoying it is beyond that so you get mad and shout "thats fucking annoying!"
Guy 1: *playing sounds that are considered annoying*
Guy 2: "Stop"

Guy 1: *keeps playing it*
Guy 2: "Dude, you're getting annoying"
Guy 1: *keeps playing it*
Guy 1: *stops*
by ayypegg April 3, 2019
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People who fucking screenshot their name and post it on their story so that they can get a little bit of attention from their friends because in reality no one gives a fuck what urban dictionary says.
Dude those people who keep posting names on their story are annoying ass fucking people
by Me nigga fuck off March 15, 2017
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