When a black person feels they have to support everything black fearing they are a bad black person and don’t stand up to racism.
by Grizzj April 4, 2019
When a black person feels like they have to support everything black fearing they are not standing up to racism.
by Grizzj April 4, 2019
Guilt for having black ancestors who owned both black and white slaves. The black Moors, for example, owned white slaves. Maybe becoming slaves was black karma for owning slaves. Black Africans owned black slaves but some blacks excuse this by saying this slavery was for more pure reasons. Another type of black guilt is for black on black crime. Yet another form of black guilt is for not fighting for justice in one's black neighborhood while other black people are murdered, raped, sold drugs (thus locked into a type of mental slavery), and otherwise mistreated by blacks. There is also a black denial that takes place, denying the heinous crimes taking place from one black person to another. Black guilt can also apply to feelings of guilt for spewing forth racist jokes and comments against whites, bullying whites, killing white people for being white, etc. Some black people actually have a change of heart and feel sincere remorse for previous activities done in ignorance. I could add more but I'll give room for others to define black guilt through their own experiences, observations and interpretations.
Jamal expressed black guilt when he stated, "Man, I put a cap on that n*gga's a*s for runnin' his mouth."
by Moderntruthteller September 15, 2018
When a black person goes to extremes in their racial self-identification because they feel guilty for being so "white" in their ways of life.
His black guilt has lead to racial bashing, spreading misinformation and promoting hate towards white people.
by daveobot September 21, 2021
The collective guilt felt by many liberals for preferring Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton as the 2008 Democratic Presidential Nominee. This enabled Barack Obama, would later win the 2008 Election, to become the first "black" president instead of Hillary Clinton becoming the first "woman" president. Also known as Barack-over-Hillary guilt.
Person 1: "Hey, do you feel bad voting for Obama instead of Hillary?"
Person 2: "Yes. It was a hard choice.. the first black president or the first woman president."
Person 1: "You've got black-over-woman guilt."
Person 2: "Yes. It was a hard choice.. the first black president or the first woman president."
Person 1: "You've got black-over-woman guilt."
by Acrimony12 May 15, 2013
A misnomer. As the word “Black” is an adjective, in some societies, to describe the term “dismal”. This adjective is used to categorize a group’s race or nature pertaining to existence or agenda. “Black” as described by AfroAsiatics or African Americans is a psychosocial construct designed by their creation (whites) in order to dissuade others from identifying or associated with the label “Black”.
by Fardallah March 18, 2022