2 definitions by Acrimony12

The collective guilt felt by many liberals for preferring Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton as the 2008 Democratic Presidential Nominee. This enabled Barack Obama, would later win the 2008 Election, to become the first "black" president instead of Hillary Clinton becoming the first "woman" president. Also known as Barack-over-Hillary guilt.
Person 1: "Hey, do you feel bad voting for Obama instead of Hillary?"
Person 2: "Yes. It was a hard choice.. the first black president or the first woman president."
Person 1: "You've got black-over-woman guilt."
by Acrimony12 May 15, 2013
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A communist racist neo-nazi divisive group organized from the remnants of ACORN. Better described by the late Andrew Breitbart as "poisonous, venomous forces within the American experience". If someone doesn't agree with their agenda, they will use their favorite weapon, petitions to snuff out that person's first amendment rights(see Glenn Beck).

It won't be surprising if they start petitioning urbandictionary.com to remove this entry.
Sam: "Hey, did you hear about the petition from Colors of Change, urging the FOX network to cancel COPS, because "it degrades minorities" and somehow "contributes to minority stereotypes"?"
Tom: "What the hell? The creator of COPS has often said that he downplays minority crimes in the series."
Sam: "I bet their next move is to petition God to cancel 'reality' because it's racist."

CoC Activist 1: "It seems like FOX will end that show COPS after it's 25th season."
CoC Activist 2: "I hate that show. It shows cops as the good guys."
CoC Activist 1: "Hey, maybe we could start a petition to get COPS cancelled, and then, when it does gets cancelled, claim it was because our petitioning that got it cancelled?"

CoC Activist 1: "It seems like FOX will end that show COPS after it's 25th season."
CoC Activist 2: "I hate that show. It shows cops as the good guys."
CoC Activist 1: "Hey, maybe we could start a petition to get COPS cancelled, then, when it does gets cancelled, claim it was because our petitioning that got it cancelled?"
CoC Activist 2: "Brilliant idea. Now let's celebrate by having some hot gay sex with a couple of animals"
by Acrimony12 May 21, 2013
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