In the tv-show Family Guy the baby Stewie sees a beatiful baby girl and says: " O wait wait bilf, total bilf" .
by Respecta January 17, 2011
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Bilf is an acronym that stands for “Bee i’d like to fuck.” Follow Jayybirdlive on twitch for more information.
“omg barry’s dad in the bee movie was such a bilf
by Mushr00mz July 19, 2021
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Lea ~ "Holy shitkebabs; see that beautiful bloke over there with a massive beard?"

Victoria ~ "Yeah, what a BILF, let's go fondle it!"
by ichbintimothy February 5, 2014
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Possibly the most versatile word in any language. Though it sounds like "some b word I'd like to fuck," bilf actually refers to semen, but can be used much like fuck in that while someone can be bilfing, can bilf all over the place, can be full of bilf, and can be bilfed upon or into, they can also be referred to as a Bilf.
Damn hot mama, I'm gonna bilf in your bilf chalice.

Steve: So he stole all your shit?
Joe: Yeah.
Steve: What a bilf

You bilf nugget

you bilfing moron.

I'm gonna fill you with so much bilf you're going to get swimmers ear.
by esoterism October 28, 2009
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A Family Guy joke made by Stewie. A play on the phrase MILF. Stands for Baby I'd Like to Fuck
by Mardy M January 17, 2011
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A boss I'd like to fuck.
1. Someone epic who's way out of the league of the person using the term that they secretly fantasize about in the shower.
2. The boss / employer of the person using the term.

A: But have you seen J Law?? She's such a BILF!
B: Hell yeah!


A: Mr Dennis is like super hot. He's such a BILF!
B: That's gross and concerning. You are really lonely.
by GayFoyc August 21, 2016
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Damn, is that bilf of yours coming to watch you again. I'd like to have sexual intercourse with her!
by just another cracka July 9, 2003
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