In Ireland is some one how doe'sint
have a father.
ya little basterd.
by spinner, eire June 5, 2005
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A terd with a degree in Grammar or Granma.
For those who say irregardless basterd makes sense.
by chasbro August 22, 2009
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A stupid schnarfen who has a wide vagina with large ear lobes
by r0zzmatazz April 24, 2010
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A would-be filter bypass, if JJTublear could spell it right.
<JJTublear> trafton u basterd
by [GpW]NinjA August 14, 2003
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A bastard is a child born out of wedlock, so basterdize would be a mass of children born out of wedlock at once. Therefore,

a giant flaming orgy.
"Dude, I had the best weekend! I basterdized the hell out of all these women!"
by Chuck E. Garfinkel November 24, 2009
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I never met my father so therefore, I m a basterd.
by ah la mode May 8, 2009
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One who makes a swashtika with semen on the head of a jewish chick after fucking her.
I had sex with an Inglorious Basterd last night.
by Stevie Yates September 13, 2009
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