1. feeling enthusiasm

2. to an extreme degree
1. I'm balls over balls about this week being over.

2. You are balls over balls out of your depth here.
by Cookers February 8, 2009
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Going over and above the call of duty to get something done or to get someone.
"I saw this insane looking girl at the gym the other day, perfect body and all. Guys were going Balls Over Nuts to get her phone number!"
by WarheD September 4, 2013
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1. The instant before ones balls drop onto the head, having been hanging above prior. Also known as the pre-tea bag.
2. An expression used to describe power over another.
I was so scared, he had his balls over my head.
by fool October 23, 2003
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A very painful condidion in which the balls (still in the ball sack) are stretched ocer the man's head and sewn there .this condition applies only to men. Usually contracted after a man cheats on his bitch.
A man cheated on his bitch. Later that night, when she found out, she gave him balls over my head syndrome.
by randomoldman October 26, 2003
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Derivation of "balls to the wall", similar to "between a rock and a hard place".

-an uncomfortable position to be in.

I've got my balls over my head about this electrical bill!
by Anonymous October 26, 2003
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