Bad Pancake, the theory that your first guy after a serious relationship will end in epic failure. Doomed from the start. Like the first pancake you try to make during breakfast, it ends up over cooked, under cooked or just burned.
Jane: "I dont think it'll work out with John."
Mary: "Of course not! You just broke off with Mark. John is your bad pancake."
Mary: "Of course not! You just broke off with Mark. John is your bad pancake."
by DoomedfromtheStart00 July 3, 2017
when you cum and it looks like an ameba, or a pancake that just got away. The opposite of cumming so precise that it fills just a small area. Originated from comedian Dane Cook.
by Zechariah Smith November 13, 2007
(noun) - a term invented by comedian Dane Cook, the concoction resembling a poorly cooked pancake a male leaves on the stomach of a female after ejaculating on her.
by Teevs December 3, 2007
when you pull out during sex and cum on the girls stomach. credit to dane cook for coming up with the term.
by Alex9876 December 8, 2007
"...I wanted to go inside her but I didn't want to take chances so I pulled out and did a bad pancake on her stomach.. it was gnarly"
by dane cook fan December 3, 2007
by Nicky831 December 7, 2007
Bad Pancake, the theory that your first guy after a serious relationship will end in epic failure. Doomed from the start. Like the first pancake you try to make during breakfast, it ends up over cooked, under cooked or just burned.
Jane: "I dont think it'll work out with John."
Mary: "Of course not! You just broke off with Mark. John is your bad pancake."
Jane: "I dont think it'll work out with John."
Mary: "Of course not! You just broke off with Mark. John is your bad pancake."
Bad Pancake, the theory that your first guy after a serious relationship will end in epic failure. Doomed from the start. Like the first pancake you try to make during breakfast, it ends up over cooked, under cooked or just burned.
Jane: "I dont think it'll work out with John."
Mary: "Of course not! You just broke off with Mark. John is your bad pancake."
Jane: "I dont think it'll work out with John."
Mary: "Of course not! You just broke off with Mark. John is your bad pancake."
by The classic memer July 28, 2018