When the grass is greener on the other side, but it turns out to be fake green grass aka astroturf.
You left your old lady for that bitch?! She astroturfed your dumbass!
by Jonesin9 March 27, 2019
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A government ploy that is destroying American discourse.
So many company's astroturfing is hard to discern, so we must be that much more careful not to get fooled by it.
by Ereck Flowers August 17, 2018
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faux-grassroots promotion, usually hiding a corporate advertising or marketing movement. May also cover corporate graffiti.
The recent "leaking" of fall pilots to YouTube is shameless astroturf promotion.
by Dancomono July 17, 2006
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The process to apply a faux patch of hair on and around various body parts( such as the face, chest and genitalia) by pre-pubescent boys and girls in order to make themselves appear older than their actual age.
Little Bobby got caught by his older sister, astroturfing his chest hair before the party.
by panoptican April 16, 2009
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Political term that means pseudo-equal rights group or artifcial equal rights group. This groups or organizations tend to call them selves a organization that supports freedom and equality; however that is nothing more a backdrop for a biased unequal agenda.
Groups like Accuracy In Academia and Students for Academic Freedom are good exaples of Astroturf Groups. They put on the identity of being a organization that supports equality, but actually are trying to advance a political bias

"That Astroturf Group are really annoying" Bob said.
by Bob_the_Patriot October 23, 2007
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Astroturfing is when someone uses ridiculously obvious propaganda to convince you of their view of an obviously public event.
They are astroturfing support for Kamala Harris in the Debate."
by John9999 September 15, 2024
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A group of people pretending to be friends with each other (mostly for show) to project an image of togetherness, popularity, social skills/lives, unity, or support for each other. Fake it til you make it and become a real puppet master is the motto of an astroturf creator that really seems to believe that the turf they claimed as their own is really theirs to claim, offer others, or burn down, cut down, or demolish if they don't get their way or dollar signs.
He/she must have come from a planet where astroturf grows wild, because since he/she got here, he/she put down lots of it.
by The Original Agahnim December 28, 2022
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