Pretending to be a grassroots movement, when in reality the agenda and strategy are controlled by a hidden, non-grassroots organization. In this manner, a faux show is presented, consisting of robotic individuals pretending to be voicing their own opinions.
Moms Demand Action is astroturfing for Bloomberg and all of their followers are clueless housewives with too much wine.
by That-Guy-You-Know May 2, 2014
by Urbane Gorilla June 8, 2005
the act of creating a small organization and making it appear to represent something popular for the purpose of promoting a particular entity, cause, etc. (a play on grassroots in the sense of a popular movement originating among the common people, ultimately from AstroTurf, a brand of artificial grass)
The practice of astroturfing a widely used form of propaganda, as evidenced by the media coverage it receives.
by The Return of Light Joker October 5, 2008
"Astroturfing" is the act of trying to boost one's image online with fake comments, paid-for reviews, made-up claims and testimonials.
by Guido1 March 26, 2010
a form of propaganda whose techniques usually consist of a few people attempting to give the impression that mass numbers of enthusiasts advocate some specific cause. This is often done by conjuring up a phony organization(s) that never existed.
"David Axelrod, the TOTUS's Minister of Propaganda and the man behind the teleprompter, is the king of astroturfing."
by Higg - penna. April 23, 2009
1. Grass cut into small squares and sold at nurserys. Commonly used to lay grass where no grass exists and growing grass would be difficult.
2. A manufactured grassroots movement in which a small group fakes their numbers to gain attention.
2. A manufactured grassroots movement in which a small group fakes their numbers to gain attention.
"That astroturf will blend in nice"
"In 2003, a group of letters from "soldiers" in Iraq were printed in newspapers across the country, which touted the successes of the war. Every letter was exactly the same, except the "soldiers'" names. This was an attempt to counter grassroots movements with astroturf."
"In 2003, a group of letters from "soldiers" in Iraq were printed in newspapers across the country, which touted the successes of the war. Every letter was exactly the same, except the "soldiers'" names. This was an attempt to counter grassroots movements with astroturf."
by Captain Neatoman October 18, 2004
a type of artificial grass commonly used in stadiums and public fields. its known for the ability to burn the shit out of the arms and legs of any brave player who decides to dive for the ball during a heated game, and for its dumbass name, which was inspired by the astrodome stadium in Houston, Texas, where it was first used.
by ExpiredWater January 18, 2022