a shithead, shitsleeve, shitbum, asshole, dickface, etc.
Yo, asswipe, get your hands off my sister!
by Shane Arnold March 29, 2005
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A person who is a such a kiss up to a boss or bosses they'd go so far as to wipe their bosses ass to show their dedication
"The reason Peter got the promotion over Tom is because Peter is an Asswiper"
by Alexander Sedler October 30, 2003
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An idiot or seemingly stupid individual. or someone who is just being an asshole.
"He is so godamed stupid...... freakin asswipe.
("freakin" is always prior to "asswipe")
by ices May 12, 2003
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An asswipe is another word for a little bitch. When you don't feel like calling someone a bitch, you call them an asswipe. Asswipe can also be used to call someone a slut, a biotch, an asshole, and many other names.
Bry: God Sophia! Stop being such an asswipe!
Sophia: Sorry Bry, I won't be such an asswipe again.
by sophtoph June 19, 2013
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A person who revs their engine really loudly in a public area just to show off.
Jerry: man what a fucking asswipe
by frighteninglystupid March 31, 2022
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1. A stupid individual you can't stand
2. Another term for an asshole
3. A brown-noser. Someone who is a teacher's pet or stuck up someone's ass.
1.Becky's boob ain't that big, she is such an asswipe.
2. What an asswipe.
3. Why don't you get your head out of Mr. Smith's ass, you asswipe.
by nay April 13, 2004
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Generally used as a strong swear, Asswipe basically means that you are a worthless person used to wipe other people's asses. Thus meaning that you are a worthless piece of shit.
*playing Halo*
Guy 1: Ok, go get the Flag.
Guy 2: Fine. *gets on warthog*
*Guy 2 is killed by a Headshot*
Guy 1: My God! You fucking suck you Asswipe!
by CristWiiSquire August 23, 2008
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