Rating for items which persons 17+ are able to view but any epileptic retard with null typing skills could illegally download via the intarweb.
by larstait October 13, 2003
The adult version of an only child. Someone who never got married or found a significant other so never had to learn how to share or compromise in adult life and has thus developed a very spoiled attitude.
by alittleleftbehind September 23, 2013
A YouTube video by Rationality Rules. If this is what's being taught to kids in schools... I don't see a problem with it. Very concise. Nicely outlines the social implications of how we conceive of gender.
by Hym Iam August 17, 2023
An incredible array of hilariously raucous comedy, mind-bending illusions and stunningly dangerous stunts.
by stewface November 25, 2021