Dear urban dictionary,

For the word ballistery that I sent y’all, I dun made a mistake on the sentence. I was not supposed to add “though.” I wanted it to be the
Thank you,

Axel lvrmaster
Ps it means I made a mistake
by Axel lvl master September 18, 2023
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Man I hate when I mess up typing, it’s annoying. If you don’t know what I mean, who are you? A Dictionary?
Sarah: Hi geys I wdnt to school duy!
Mia: Sarah you mean, Hi guys I went to school today!
Sarah: Sorry I make mistakes typing sometimes
by Woah I’m Erica October 30, 2021
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"Oh em gee, Becky!! Did you see that Edgy/Mistake we passed earlier?!"

"Oh, do you mean that Aiden guy? I knooooowwww right, he's, like, soooOooooo lameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."

"Heyyy Becky, wanna stop by Starbucks later?"

"Oh em geee yasssss Rachel!!"
by Squizzoo August 13, 2019
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A fan fiction of Oikawa and Iwaizumi, that will tear your heart in two. Make you cry for hours on end. Also after reading it, the song (specifically the piano version of it) A Thousand Years by Christian Perry will make you cry every time you hear it.
"Hey! Have you read the fanfic Best Mistake?"
"Ack! Don't remind me of that, I cried for days on end because of that fic!"
by _TooruOikawaFavoriteFoodIsMilk December 18, 2021
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Usually a Girl that always makes mistakes. Her name usually starts with a M or N.
Omg did you see MISTAKE GIRL? Omg she's always making mistakes
by kittykatlover5 March 4, 2021
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A misfire or mistake so sad or pathetic that you question if they went into a vegetative state when doing it.
My coworker decided it would be a good idea to bring balloons to our boss's funeral. A critical mistake that would cost him his job.
by Tovarishch Lasagna May 18, 2019
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