Allana is the hottest sexiest gay person I know she likes woman and men that means she likes big bobba dairy sacks lactose bags honker honks and big blue ball

Allana is so pretty with her glasses because of the masculine alpha smexy energy it gives her

Allana is bi

Yen Nhi Tran is so gay she likes big honker honks
by BobHasBigBooty May 1, 2023
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1. to have a hand containing a large amount of money.
2. Fist full of Yen (FFOY) are a post panda hardcore band playing PandaCore and Pandahop. the band consists of 4 members: Laurie the blast beat loving drummer, kirk the kwerky yet crazy bassist, olli the guitarist with a love of powerchords and jessica thier "real life" alive panda mascot. from york the band have strived to break barriers with the irregular time signitures. the band have many hits including: "mopatop shop" "APPLES" "latte Latino" and many more.
man 1: oh no! i've forgotten my wallet.
man 2: don't worry ive got a Fist full of Yen!
man 1: isn't that a strange type of meditation from york some how related to a craaazy drummer who got attacked but then played a gig with only one arm (that worked).
man 3: that rocks my world.
man 4: all i know is that you should guard the ones close to you with APPLES.
by mattia November 19, 2007
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It is a form of 360 ooga booga used to expression the pronunciation of Jeb.
Yo guess what I just landed a 360 ooga booga on Yens
No it’s Yens 360 ooga booga gotcha boom come here boy ooga booga rooga Fortnite bad that’s how you spell jeb
by TheGamingScientist27 December 2, 2020
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Ashley Yen Eng is one of the best kinds of people you can meet. She is a girlboss, genius, Olivia Rodrigo stan, and an incredible friend. You would be lucky to meet someone with such a bright and contagious energy. Ashley is supportive, a great listener, an avid gif user (specifically on Slack), and is the kind of person who puts her all into everything she does. If you meet an Ashley Yen Eng be prepared for many many boba trips and a significant amount of ~quirkiness~ added to your life.

Person 1: "Do you like the Girl Up club? I'm thinking of joining!"
Person 2: "Yeah! Me and Ashley Yen Eng just did some freshman-junior bonding the other day."
Person 1: "Omg joining right now" 😩
by slay.all.day7 January 17, 2022
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Khoa-yen is a masculine boy khoa-yen is extremely smart and often plays piano if khoa-yen gets a crush he gets obsessive over her he will follow her (halle,Monica,Natalie) home he is disliked by many!
Natalie:ugh khoa-yen aced this test
Larissa:I know I hate him

Halle: guys he’s sweet just get to know him you’ll see
by Gymnast.457 May 7, 2018
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he’s such a yens, always flirting with everyone
by ji060301 January 30, 2020
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Why is she there? I don't know but there she is.
Why Yen?
by Namaewa August 29, 2022
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