Words with Friends

An app with a chat function, which lets you leave messages to one another under the cover of a game of scrabble
A cheating husband carries his ipad and iphone wherever he goes, to make sure he always has access to Words with Friends
by farnham philanderer January 3, 2017
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Words with Friends

App used by cheaters to communicate and arrange shags behind their unsuspecting spouses; who think they are playing scrabble. The chat function is more useful than the game itself. as it allows messages to be deleted quickly leaving no evidence
Sharon, you're always playing Words with Firiends...
HMm thats what i want people to think. Dave and i use to send messages to each other without his wife suspecting anything.

Dave sends me a message using Words with Friends chat whenever he wants to meet up for a shag
by silvertongue99 September 12, 2016
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Words With Friends

The best 'app' available on smart phones - a free knock-off of Scrabble. An avenue to demonstrate one's mastery of English diction and spatial relation prowess. Can be abbreviated with "WWF".
Zach - "Wow Darbi, I thought you said you were awesome at Words With Friends. What happened?"

Darbi - "I am, Zach. I was distracted by the infamous adorableness of Puff."

Zach - "Quite understandable, just step up your WWF game."
by Z-Huds February 28, 2011
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When in the course of playing a member of the opposite sex in words with friends. You or they play provocative words as if to drop hints.
Boy played sex for 13 points
Girl played blow for 16 points
Boy played tit for 8 points

Dude, she must be a words with friends with benefits
by calebstephen February 19, 2011
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Playing Words with Friends while taking a dump. A dangerous activity, since your phone can fall into the toilet and drown.
Person A: Hey, what happened to your old phone?
Person B: It fell into the crapper the other day.
Person A: Ah, playing Words with Little Brown Friends again, eh? Dumbass.
by Doctorjay December 14, 2015
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Usually used when one is masking a crush they have on their friend. Though the word is platonic, it will instantly be romantic when repeated. The person saying this are not trying to convince someone else they’re friends, they are trying to convince themselves that they don’t like someone.
Person A: “I thought we were friends?”

Person B: “We ARE friends. We’re friends.”

Person A: “that’s what I just said, you can’t just repeat me?“

Person B: “it’s actually because I like you and I have some extreme eternalized trauma that I should get checked out.”

Person A: “Ah, the repetition of the word "friends"“
by Jay_____________ October 23, 2022
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