3 definitions by farnham philanderer

affair excuses

What you tell the wife when you are with your whore

- playing golf

- going for a long walk with the dogs

- at a business meeting

- going for a long lunch in the country with the best friend (one who also has a mistress)

- working late

- meeting some old boys in London
Girlfriend : i didn't see you on Thursday night. can we hook up at the weekend

Adulterer : Sure. I can get away. i'll just give the wife one of my affair excuses
by farnham philanderer January 3, 2017
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Words with Friends

An app with a chat function, which lets you leave messages to one another under the cover of a game of scrabble
A cheating husband carries his ipad and iphone wherever he goes, to make sure he always has access to Words with Friends
by farnham philanderer January 3, 2017
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Messaging app for people having affairs. Used in conjunction with Words with Friends

Whatsapp lets you chat to your whore without being seen to be online.
Sharon, the homewrecking whore, uses whatsapp to chat to her 'married boyfriend.

His wife will never know
by farnham philanderer January 3, 2017
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