an undesirable reaction to smoking cannabis common amongst lightweights and first-time tokers. Symptoms include dizzyness, clammy skin, nausea and vomiting.
It gets its name from the paleness of the sufferer as the blood drains out the capillaries under the skin due to a decrease in blood pressure.
It gets its name from the paleness of the sufferer as the blood drains out the capillaries under the skin due to a decrease in blood pressure.
by Suvorov August 20, 2003
by Paul Thundergod July 10, 2003
Happens when smoking too much weed, you go pale, feel dizzy and drowsy, and start to vomit. When on a whitey you often stop talking. If you whitey keep smoking more weed, until you have passed it. Sleeping while on a whitey makes you spin out and feel worse.
by Whitey October 18, 2004
'pull a whitey'- can't take the drink/drugs, goes pale, stops talking, runs to the toilet to talk on the great white telephone
by Douglas, Duke of Douglas-Douglas September 23, 2003
a person who foots the bill for everybody who's NOT white-and gets blamed for everything thats wrong with the world.
by crimson king September 17, 2005
by Jj April 6, 2003
Decribing the condition of someone who has smoked too much weed and feels ill/ has a white face/ is physically sick.
by joe June 17, 2004