Place name.
Abbreviation/slang for the South West London Borough of Wandsworth. Many parts of Wandy have experienced or are in the process of serious gentrification. An example of this is Wandy's 'Southside' shopping centre formally known as the 'Arndale Centre'; transformed in the 00's from sordidness into something new and trendy. There are still parts of Wandy - particularly Wandsworth Town area, that have retained their shittyness; ergo, this area has been nick named 'Little Hackney' due to it's striking resemblance to the North East Borough.
Abbreviation/slang for the South West London Borough of Wandsworth. Many parts of Wandy have experienced or are in the process of serious gentrification. An example of this is Wandy's 'Southside' shopping centre formally known as the 'Arndale Centre'; transformed in the 00's from sordidness into something new and trendy. There are still parts of Wandy - particularly Wandsworth Town area, that have retained their shittyness; ergo, this area has been nick named 'Little Hackney' due to it's striking resemblance to the North East Borough.
by East-end wordary September 12, 2010
Wandsworth common, also known as a place where kids from all over south london go to do drugs and fight. Schools like Emmanuel, whitgift, graveny, Bolingbroke, chestnut grove and more love it as its a breeding ground for stds and a place for BTEC roadmen to act tough.
by 78bech76 November 15, 2020
1. Water
2. A grammatical addition conveying the highest form of empathy and value to its target subject.
3. Penis (Alternatively spelled: Wandus)
2. A grammatical addition conveying the highest form of empathy and value to its target subject.
3. Penis (Alternatively spelled: Wandus)
1. "Hold on boys, I need to grab some wandis."
2. "This food is the fresh wandis. Like, the freshest wandis."
3. "Damn that guy's got one hell of a wandus."
2. "This food is the fresh wandis. Like, the freshest wandis."
3. "Damn that guy's got one hell of a wandus."
by Winzzy June 3, 2019
get away from me you Wandi!
by Bullet? Bullet! February 24, 2010
An idiot who usually has a crush on agurl but can not tell her as he is afraid and he has an enormous glizzy
by Similo Phiwo January 5, 2022
Wandi is a beautiful and loyal girl who is humble. She is gorgeous and deserves the world. She would never cheat on you and has a great smile. You should definitely be with wandi
by kwizzle dazzle April 7, 2023
Wandsworth common, also known as wandy, wandy com or the common. A place where private school kids go to drink a shit tonne of vodka and have sex. People also engage in activities such as: ‘doing balloons’, ‘giving head’, ‘passing out’ and ‘smoking bud’. Schools most commonly seen there are Whitgift, streatham and clapham, Alleyns, Oratory, and occasionally Emmanuel
by ieuwosjdge June 28, 2023