Refering to someone that is overwieght.
"Hey tubs, why don't you go on a diet?
by Dexter October 2, 2003
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"Hey Tubs, Don't Hog The Potater Chips!"
by Holly October 8, 2003
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Bro those shoes is fucking tubbed throw them bitches out.
by WSO_MIKE December 8, 2018
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An adjective describing someone who eats a ton in one sitting or is just feeling fat.
Wow, I just a ton of food. I’m feeling like a tub.
by marycate146 January 15, 2018
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The nickname for the fat kid
by JadL October 5, 2006
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A person who is a bit more than chubby but not fat or rounded.
Person 1: Hey did you see that fat kid?
Person 2: He's not fat he's a tub.
Person 3: You are a tub.
by Thedragonquest9nerd April 24, 2011
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