"Hey Tubs, Don't Hog The Potater Chips!"
by Holly October 8, 2003
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Bro those shoes is fucking tubbed throw them bitches out.
by WSO_MIKE December 8, 2018
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The nickname for the fat kid
by JadL October 5, 2006
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We about to get TUB on this boat.
by Deidres May 24, 2013
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To be put on blast, i.e., have your personal business exposed to others, by a person via their Facebook status.
In particular when an ex post a status about you and tags 50+ friends so millions of people know your personal business.
I have a feeling from now on anytime someone posts something like this and tags a bunch of people (which is brilliant btw) we are all gonna say "man did you see that? That guy totally got tubbed."
by NCT2281 September 17, 2011
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A term used when in a competition, one team or individual dominates the other with impunity. The inferior team/individual is said to have been "tubbed".
In CounterStrike the other day, I killed a guy with a knife, and promptly yelled, "YOU JUST GOT TUBBED!"
by Puvar February 20, 2010
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An action of ones parent aggressively throwing there child into a bathtub. After the child is in the tub, backhand them until they start to cry. Yell at them to drink out of the toilet. Then leave them locked in the bathroom for a month.
Mother: GET IN THE TUB!!!
*A Month Later*
Mother: You Have been officially tubbed, now go to your room
by SwannyBoy666 January 11, 2018
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