
Someone who is not a parent to X, but who identifies as a more appropriate parent and advisor to the child X, than their actual parents.
Mrs. Knight, a 5th grade teacher : “Make sure this email is deleted too when we are done bc otherwise when your mom looks, you will be outed instantly.”

5th grader at risk : "Ok, Mrs. Knight. It's a secret. I wish my mom let me do everything I wanted too"

Mrs. Knight, a 5th grade teacher : "Of course, honey. As your transparent, I want only what's best for you, dear."
by July 15, 2023
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Someone who is not a parent to X, but who identifies as a more appropriate parent and advisor to the child X, than their actual parents.
Mrs. Knight, a 5th grade teacher: “Make sure this email is deleted too when we are done bc otherwise when your mom looks, you will be outed instantly.”

5th grader at risk : "Ok, Mrs. Knight. It's a secret. I wish my mom let me do everything I wanted too."

Mrs. Knight, a 5th grade teacher : "Of course, honey. As your transparent, I want only what's best for you, dear."
by Wondering Wanderer July 15, 2023
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fluid transparency

Truthful information that is provided in a misleading or confusing manner in order to suggest different results or intentions.

Similar to how light refraction causes an object to appear to bend in water.

Partial inspections that allow contraband to be relocated between inspections
An incompetent spokesperson that can provide raw data, but is unable to provide context
Graphs set to an awkward scale to imply different or more impressive results
Person 1: Look at our profit growth. It's off the charts!
Person 2: It only looks that way because the chart doesn't start at zero. It's less than 1%.
Person 1: That's rather disappointing.
Person 2: That's how fluid transparency works. It's not untrue, just misleading.
by AzarielShayd February 24, 2020
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transparent clothing

Stuff people wear so that they can expose their penis/vagina
by pi is mathnesss March 27, 2017
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