
a trangender parent
...ur mom is used to be a man, therefore she is now a transparent.
by CommanderCutie May 4, 2009
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If ones parents changed their sex; in some case operational.
"Man, this guy overthere got a bad break" - "Why?" - "Last week his parents decided to switch the roles; his dad is now his mum and vice versa!" - "Damn...transparents!!"
by Minticow January 7, 2008
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A quality in which a finite space has an infinite number of limina.
Transparency is self-internally clear because the finite space has a countably infinite number of liminal layers.

This renders the surface transparent.
by zanderfin December 18, 2019
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the father act like a mother, and mother act like a father .
oh dude !! why your parents look like that ? that is so funny !!
Your mother wearing your father clothes, and your father wearing your mother clothes !!!!!

that dude says : yea man cuz I have a transparents !!
by bashaxp January 18, 2015
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Having a mother and father who both had sex reassignment surgery and then stayed married to each other.
I’m a victim of transparency. I’m not sure who is my mom and who is my dad.
by Randspan October 5, 2018
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In the transparic furture, will I go blind?
by Mahlony June 2, 2009
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A lie that is easily detected or seen through, an obvious lie.
Full transparency: I'm deleting old tweets. Past views evolved & shouldn't be a distraction. I serve @POTUS agenda & that's all that matters. Anthony Scaramucci, 2017
by Smilen=) July 23, 2017
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