i havent been to blackpool for time OR my nan is time old
by tom and steve October 26, 2003
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An existance of space and creativity- of what we live. Past, current, future. Realms of time run deep within our world and their current standards, ideals, and destructive forces.
by Nicohlas August 21, 2003
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a number that illistrates the amount something has been done or taken place.
How many times do u masterbates in a given week?
by Tim Bob The Arabian Sailor October 13, 2003
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Often denide as a form of social snubbing.
She wouldn't even give me the time of day.
by erikcu July 24, 2003
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a measurement of life created by human beings to keep a standard in thier lives. time is only a measurement and does not exist for life is the force which you feel pass you by. some days feel longer or shorter than others because you are feeling life which fluctuates around the constant which is time...
the day feels shorter than usuall because life fluctuated and time stayed constant.
by laurence saputra May 4, 2004
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Something that never seems to be enough of. If you don't know what I mean, try working!
"The time is gone the song is over, thought I'd something more to say"
by Anonymous August 3, 2003
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