by Why_here.1 December 24, 2021
A superstar is someone who exhibits an amplified individuality. There just seems to be more of him or her there! This happens when there is resonance between someone's inherent creative expression, what they do on a daily basis, and the social system that they are a part of. Being a superstar has nothing to do with fame or fortune (even though some superstars may have either or both).
Maggie is such a superstar. Her designs always get recognized by our bosses and she always gets the best team to support her work.
by Superstar Agenda October 3, 2017
Amidst the sea of faces, one stood out- that of the superstar destined for greatness not because of some strange alignment of the stars, but because of all that made him who he was.
by rayo August 30, 2004
The act of combing the first name of a close friend or relative with the last name of a well known superstar. Then using there newly found "superstarring" name, to embarrass or boost one's ego.
ie #1: Jason you look like John Cena! I'm superstarring your name, and introducing you as Jason Cena!
ie #2: Emily you could totally pass for Eva Longoria, you'll always be known as my Emily Longoria.
ie #2: Emily you could totally pass for Eva Longoria, you'll always be known as my Emily Longoria.
by imiiniimi June 29, 2012
by kmel February 22, 2003
by pezzy pezz 27 April 30, 2009
A superstar is one of the best names u can share with anyone a superstar is like you’re buddies you’re mate you’re bestie you’re mate you’re light you’re hop and the person u love their can be a lot of people with the name superstar but there will be a superstar like mine because mine always has my back and was there for me since the begging and she is like a sister to me and I will never stop loving her until the day I die
by Ethan Melamed May 13, 2019