The legal definition of BUM RAPE. It usually happens when u drop the soap in the shower. It also usually happens when u are someone’s bitch in jail.
by yagurljayz March 12, 2018
by Matt is not a negro February 10, 2011
of or relating to sodomy.
Over there is a hooker we call Sodomous Holes, and over there is a person we call Sodomous Maximus. Those people really are quite Sodomous.
by Shit_4_Brains August 17, 2007
by Urbanbky123456 October 26, 2018
by Mandalorian November 15, 2003
A very good black/thrash metal band from Germany. Characterized especially by the wicked, raspy, German-accented vocals of their singer, Tom Angelripper.
by Mark H July 16, 2004
by Jiggy Fly May 11, 2004