
When a male uses his penial organ to brutally slap some bitch in the face.
"Take that you dirty slut! I just smirfed you and your sister in the eye!"
by Marshi January 22, 2004
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To attack with affection.
You are so cute that I'm going to smirf you.
by paigezz December 12, 2006
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a person who is beyond stupid and sucks at life.
John: "That dude in math got a F on a open book test."
Kyle: "What a Smirf"
by aemsaxon December 14, 2009
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type of facial expression that is made while peeing
I was smirfing the entire time!
by JungleWalkin' December 10, 2010
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(Language: Canadian) Single Mom I'd Rail For Sure
"She is a SMIRF" or "hey, check out that SMIRF".
by Ragnar Danneskjöld October 19, 2008
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smirf sex

when a girl has sex with a guy that has a small penis.
GIRL: I'm a virgen and I'm scared to pop my cherry so I'm going to have smirf sex.

MAN: You found the right guy.
by maria garnica February 2, 2011
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choke a smirf

When you masturbate while having blue balls to try to take away the pain.
Dude, last night she totally gave me blue balls so I went home and tried to choke a smirf
by Cody Currin July 14, 2008
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