by uncle_sam_1776 September 15, 2017
by oashyasudfgheu May 28, 2006
A synonym for "burned" or "dissed". It follows a good diss and is accompanied by a slanted hand motion ( // ).
by The Jack Attack May 4, 2008
by Tim January 20, 2004
Hym "Not going to lie, I'm feeling a little slighted. Is that what you all want me to feel here? Because, if not, you need to get better at expressing yourselves. I'd suggest poetry. You won't be as good at it as me (because I'm a genius) but that's ok. My staggering brilliance doesn't detract from your... whatever it is that you are. And I know what you're thinking 'BuT hYm YoU iNsUlT pEoPlE aLl ThE tImE!' IRRELEVANT! Retaliatory insults! Each an every one of them retaliatory in nature! This is not a teachable moment and I am not to be held to behavioral standards. You smelly filth monkeys (on the other hand) should know better. And YOU! I mean, wow, that is a lot of 'me' references. So, apparently I'm up there with Halo and schoolastic and 80's movies now. I mean, you make more money when you say the things I write? That's sounds an awful lot like 'creative consultant' territory to me. I could be GIVEN money for that. OR, better yet, booty and money. What you're doing there, that doesn't seem salutary and I'm not interested in being told who I am, how I feel, or what I think by people who don't know me."
by Hym Iam July 14, 2022
by Tim January 20, 2004