
Slang for a street person of questionable character such as a junkie, a drunk, a drug dealer, a thief or a mugger. Opposite of heavy. (UK Slang)
Watch out, that skinny is about to hit you up for change.
by will-88 December 4, 2008
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A small chew to be taken during school. Contrast to the fatty.
Dude gimme a chaw, but just a skinny.
by Bubnasty January 25, 2008
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skinny - (compound noun/verb)

to make someone or something skinny over the period of nine months. Till the point that this person becomes so skinny that their body can no longer support the pressure of the Earths atmosphere which leads to the implouding of thy said skull crevices.
"i forbid you from skinny-ing your babies!"
by Susan Fitzgibson October 21, 2011
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the skinny

Summarization of events. What happened or what the point is or whatever without using 10,000 words.
person #1- blah blah blah.. like blah blah blah... and then..
person #2- so what's the skinny? did you get the frickin' cheerios?
person #1- yeah.
by thekeithlane September 15, 2006
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Thin, Lacking fat, many girls want to be skinny.
I'm skinny, but its natural. I have a really high metabolism. I really don't like being skinny because some people think I have an eating disorder, or if they're jealous they are mean to me about it. "Why are you so scrawny?" "OMG, you're looks look like sticks, I could just break them." WELL, I actually eat a lot, and I play basketball and soccer, and I WISH I wasn't as skinny as I am.
by randomgirl23 January 21, 2013
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Skinnies are defined as millita forces hailing from an impovished nation
Was originaly used to describe people in Somallia in "Black Hawk Down" but has also extended to other regions of conflict.

Also used in Multiplayer Games, such as Command and Conquer: Generals, to describe the Terrorist teams
"Skinnies, comming into the left-hand side of your base!"
"Don't worry, Pathfinders have them pinned."
by AzraelDA November 24, 2004
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a word that should not be confused with 'rail-thin'. compared to all the 'average size' today, anyone whose normal and fit appear to be thinner to others than they really are.
if fat doesn't mean obese, skinny doesn't mean anorexic thin, kthx
by knfueg August 19, 2005
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