usually under the question "What's your size?", it would be penis length to males and breast cup size to females.
"What's your name? What's your size?"
by Tarrell Bets January 23, 2004
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To size (or size-up) is to sum up or evaluate something/someone.
Person 1: Did you size-up the other team?
Person 2: Yeah they suck, we'll win this match for sure!
by sexyer1 August 6, 2005
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Size is another name for cool.
Oh man, have you seen Simon? He's so size...
by Staceee July 8, 2005
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The euphemism for a large or obese person. Soon to be adopted by airlines who have to be careful not to overfill their flights.
"Oh man. Last week, I had to sit in a middle seat between two people of size. It was not pretty."
by Moggraider February 19, 2010
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To look dirty at someone (up and down)
Oooh dat nigga was just sizing you. You gonna let dat go?
by alypd September 13, 2006
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1. To treat someone with disrespect.
2. To take advantage of someone.
Why you sizing, I gave you $10 and all you bought me was 1 cheeseburger?!?!
by FreeTrial4DeatH June 7, 2007
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