Acronym: Something I Might Purchase
One who idolizes a person or identity going so far as to donate excessive personal time and money with little or no recognition from the person or identity they idolize.
Bruh 1: Bruhhh, I'm simping hard for these VTubers. I just donated $250!!
Bruh 2: Quit simping you clown, and spend your money wisely.....on gatcha game waifus!

Bruh 3: Both of y'all aren't just clowns, y'all are the entire simping circus!
by RRGiovanni November 12, 2020
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specific situation that a simp would engage in: He follows a girl on ig, doesn't get a follow-back, then proceeds to either straight up dm her or like her posts, comment or reply to her stories without her responding nor following him back
This guy i didn't even follow back just keeps dming me he's such a simp.
by astro2398 November 30, 2021
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A kid who goes all out for pussy but never gets it. He skips hanging out with the boys to be with the girls but they all friend zone him. Commonly know with the name Stefán.
Frend: Hey Stefán what are you doing

Stefán: im simping

Frend: omg you son of a simp
by Stefán Breki July 15, 2020
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A kid who goes all out for pussy but never gets it. He skips hanging out with the boys to be with the girls but they all friend zone him. Commonly know with the name Stefán
Frend: Hey Stefán what are you doing

Stefán: im simping

Frend: omg you son of a simp
by Stefán Breki July 15, 2020
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A kid who goes all out for pussy but never gets it. He skips hanging out with the boys to be with the girls but they all friend zone him. Commonly know with the name Stefán
Frend: Hey Stefán what are You doing

Stefán: Im simping

Frend: Omfg You son of a simp
by Stefán Breki July 15, 2020
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It means guys who will ignore there boys for any attention from girls

They think that every girl has feelings for them but they dont have any sort of crush on them

Usually associated with the name tom
by Simp hater 69 March 12, 2020
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A girl called Sam....that's it folks she simps for the same guy 24/7
Oh look its Sam the simp
by User9283782837373 October 3, 2020
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