A term meaning a lot, an ass load, a bunch or many of something
That dog is fat i bet he weighs a shit ton
by Sir Bonqweeqwee December 22, 2009
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A general term for a huge amount of action. Not to be confused with a tonne of shit, or a lot of stuff, rather it's used in context of taking action.
"In order to get me back he would have to prove it"
"What would he have to do?"
"A shit ton"
by Kazzemi August 1, 2008
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Roughly 2000 times the normal amount of what you are describing. Usually used in exaggeration.
"Hey, I got a shit ton of beer in the car guys, can I get some help?"
by Jeff Greene July 23, 2007
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Dude, theres a shit load of Vj in here. (Check def. for VJ)
by Vj Hunter October 31, 2003
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A large amount of an item or thing. Used to describe the amount of something usually with great shock or aprasial.
John: Dude i made like 75 bucks waiting tables last night!

Chris: really?, dude thats a shit ton of money!
by chatham rumsfored June 2, 2010
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somewhere between a shit load and a ton.
tends to be a little more precise than shitload.
Dude theres like a ton of shit in there.

Dude holy shit thats like a shit-ton.
by mrtoast4 November 15, 2009
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n. 1.A large shit multiplied by about 7000 put into the metric system. 2. A single persons weight in beer. 3. A water tower full of pond water mixed with the shit of 100 bass and 800 gorillas. 4. ALOT DUDE (A shit ton is more outside the body than in the body)
by weebstah October 6, 2008
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