Crazy asf but she’s really cool. don’t forget she funny asl but a ride or die kind of girl just don’t fuck with her that’s someone you wont wanna get rid of
There’s sanjae let me hide
by pregnant womens1 September 24, 2018
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Sanja is a super cool, artistic, hot girl. She is a great friend, always going out of her way to make you smile. Everyone wants to be Sanja or be with Sanja.
Omg, I want a friend like Sanja! She is super supportive and kind!
by Agent JJ January 30, 2020
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Sanja is such a pretty girl, that is most likely from southern Europe. She is a caring friend and loves to dance and make jokes. Also Sanja is the best partner to get drunk. But remember: NEVER I mean never NEVER try her homemade rakija( I hope I spelled it right) if you not used to hard alcohol!
"Who is that girl?"
"Oh that's Sanja a loving,funny,pretty partygirl"
"Sounds great!Do you know if I can hit on her?"
"Dude no, she's from southern europe her brothers will kill you!"
by Hellooooobitcheeees March 30, 2020
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really sexy ass girl

ex girfriend of an asshole nd shes too good for him
best azz you will seee
wassupp yoo Sanja how u doin
Sanja hat einen geilen arsch man

by Sk bitch March 23, 2017
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A beautiful, smart, helpful, dancer who sees the world in a joyous perspective. Very competitive also.
"Look! There's Sanja!"
by Ke$haaaaaa February 2, 2010
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Cool and kind, always looks out for her friends. Really funny and is always there for you. Has strong opinions but provides a huge amount of proof.
People: Hey Sanja

Sanja: Hey girlies
by wow i exist May 10, 2021
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1) big battie gyal
2) big titty gyal
3) pamphlet mans ex
4) sexy ass gurl
5) too good for harrison
6) then again to good for ne man:(
1) Damnnnnnnnn nigggaaaa looook at dat azzz

2) EEEEE EEEEEEEEE loook at dem bounceee

3) Sanja plz join me religion

4) damnnnn homiee she fyneeeeeeeeeeeee

5) i dont need his pamphlet door-to-door self me gwan to man who can get in my pants HOLLLAHH AT CHUR GYAL!!

6) i dun need u foool u can get wid disss
by rizzles July 23, 2004
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