
A fine Balkan spirit sure to make you get pissed hard.
wanna have a shot
by detox September 30, 2003
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Very powerful alcoholic drink mainly made of fermented fruits – plums, apples, grapes, apricot. Rakija is often distilled in Kazani by black skinned people, called Mandgali. According to the specific fruit it is made, Rakija have several different names – Slivova, Grozdova, Iabylkova, etc. The Rakija could be Pyrcuca, Greqna or Blaga too.
Ei Marijke, Give me on more rakija!
by VK April 8, 2005
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Rakija is an extremely alcoholic drink

( ranging from %45 commercially to %90 home made) originating strictly from Serbia. If consumed in large amount will guarantee a fully sick Slav night. The most famous Rakija brand is žuta Osa.
Father: Oh no son were out of lighter fluid.
Son: It's okay dad we can use rakija instead.
by Yukov Lukich 333 September 22, 2016
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Rakija, the greatest slavic drink right after Vodka.

You will most often see Rakija on the Balkans(mostly Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia). You can find some in Poland, Germany and little bit in Norway and Sweden.
But if you want the original, the best, the strongest you will go to the Balkans.

Basically everyone has it because everyone has the ingredients in the backyard or they just "borrow" some from their neighbors. All you need to make it Is hot water and some fruits (depending on what kind of taste you want) is apples, pears and most popular plums.

It is most often in shots.
Vodka may knock you down in 1 shot, but Rakija can do too, a shot or two you will be on the ground singing some Halid Bešlić (very popular Balkan singer from Sarajevo) songs.

If you are new on the Balkans the best way to make friends is to offer Rakija.
Person 1:Hello stranger.
Person 2:Hello.
Person 1:Rakija?
by DontRacism Guy April 23, 2019
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RAKiJA is Croatian release group / torrent uploaders / linked to the THR community. They are well known among Croatian torrent communities for their flawless quality and great download speed. No one knows who are the members. They are probably hardcore alcoholics as their slogan is: 'The world is better with RAKiJA'
<Ivan340> Ko rippa za RAKiJA team?
<marinn> lol, boli te kurac, bitno da su im torrenti dobre kvalitete ;)
<Ivan340> lol, k
by whoareyouwhowhowhowhoWHO January 21, 2012
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