British slang for "well done", "perfect" or "right on,"

see also bang on
The food in England might not always be so good, but the brew in the pubs are spot on every time.
by SG June 29, 2004
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This phrase is used to confirm a statement as being absolutely correct and worthy.

It can also be used as a declaration of excellence.
"The price of that car is spot on!"

"I thought his analysis of the play was spot on"
by Amy June 28, 2004
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Term used to describe something that is absolutely correct.
"Your rendition of that was absolutely spot on..."
by MrRush June 28, 2004
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Your impersonation of ol' Tony with 'is nose stuck in Georgie's bum was spot on!
by Panther Wyvern June 28, 2004
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Pompous faux-British sounding way of saying something is perfect, or "on target".
That charred arugula salad is simply spot on!
by Her Majesty's Agent January 29, 2017
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A much overused word in 2012 used by media and in popular usage as well. Spot on Spot on Spot on. Me -- shut the hell up. Why not just say right on or your right or that's right anything but spot on. Its just used too much at the moment. A very overused catch phrase I would like to see phased out of the popular lexicon.
Person tv media utube video 'spot on'

Me ahhhh hold head in my hands and weep.
by sylvianrues May 29, 2012
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