Jane's prediction of fourth-quarter earnings was bang on.
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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I'm not listeneing, so don't bang on about it, OK?
by mangovega January 6, 2011
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Dublin slang for someone who is sound
Yeah I know Spud he's fuckin bang on.
by womoma April 16, 2005
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bang on, used to describe when a man gets an erection and creates a visible bulge in his pants
that man has a bang on in his trowsers
by scott the god that failed December 30, 2005
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South London slang 'to fancy a boy/girl'
Nicola was bang on Louis.
by Razzmatazz August 6, 2005
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When we go out Fahy is well bang on, which means, on top, supicious looking etc
'don't be bang on Fahy', 'your well bang on'
by twinny March 29, 2005
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