Portmanteau of "shit", "is/was", and "lit".
Person A: Ay bruh, how's the club?

Person B: Shlit as hell, come through fam.
by Swiftsound November 20, 2016
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a form of diarrea, commonly caused from either eating the worng food or by eating/drinking a laxative.
on thursday luke owen had the shlits!
by josh May 7, 2005
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A Slut who likes ass sex.

This word is a combonation between Slut and Shit Bag. (I made the word up and my cool friend made up the definition and my other two cool friends...they make my life. I LOVE MY FRIENDS)
Shlits stand on street corners and like to have ass sex.
by Shmieg February 2, 2007
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A most extreme case of "the Shits."
To be shitting uncontrolably.
-My belly hurts, I think I have the Shlits!
-I'm not eating that, that stuff gives me the Shlits!
by Chad December 11, 2004
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shit; a way to not say shit but still say shit
SHLIT! Forgot my keys in the house.
by rawr625 November 10, 2014
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A state of perfect intoxication, that comes around ounce every 12 moons. When you get so belligerently drunk, that you have the night of your life, constantly need 1-3 people accompanying you when you want to move, yet never feel like vomiting. This word is derived from two other English words: Shitfaced , and Lit , combining the words, and their definitions.
You on your birthday: "Man, I got so Shlit last night; the boys surprised me with a kegger on top of the towns water tower. I met Neil Patrick Harris, drank an entire keg, fell off the water tower, and then I woke up with the triplets from my Psych class"

Your bro: "Yep, that's pretty Shlit".
by Cow-Town March 17, 2016
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When you deficate into the small hole on a coffee lid without spilling the coffee.

Builders use this for working on site.
do you even shlit bro?”
by Mickymud97 April 11, 2022
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