by Sarabi March 20, 2008
my stomach
*me wears crop top*
Abbey*2 seconds after walking into the locker room*: I can see your fat rolls falling out of your shirt
Abbey*2 seconds after walking into the locker room*: I can see your fat rolls falling out of your shirt
by thatbitchinthecorner December 27, 2019
by Shoop da whoop February 14, 2009
by Bessiethesupercow August 31, 2007
look its fat roll mierda
by poopy jose February 19, 2016
by crafty453 August 3, 2023
When you find a lady, one that is at least 315 pounds, then proceed to take a loose shit and smear it in the crevices of her “love handles”. After this is done you can then go to have sex with her shitty love handles.
by Chance Lance April 25, 2024