13 definitions by thatbitchinthecorner


Skinny ass bitch. She looks innocent but isn't. Glad she is an insomniac like me so we can FaceTime for 8 hours straight at 2 AM.
Jessie and I drink triple shot expressos at 3AM while eating cinnamon rolls and hot Cheetos
by thatbitchinthecorner December 29, 2020
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My new gang. Come join.
Those Bitches In The Corner is the most badass gang I've ever seen
by thatbitchinthecorner December 29, 2020
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fat rolls

*me wears crop top*

Abbey*2 seconds after walking into the locker room*: I can see your fat rolls falling out of your shirt
by thatbitchinthecorner December 27, 2019
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Dress Code

fuck dress code. why can't I wear pajama pants. I hate school
Random motherfucker: you are breaking dress code. Me: does it look like I fucking care
by thatbitchinthecorner December 29, 2020
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April 15

My birthday mother fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 15 is the day of bad things happening. Abraham Lincoln died, the Titanic sank, Tax Day, The Notre Dame Fire, the day annoying bitches are born
by thatbitchinthecorner December 29, 2020
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Little Mikey

Jessie's boyfriend who has a small dick and gets very grumpy/horny when she calls him at 4 AM
Little Mikey gets mad when I say I am more dominant than him
by thatbitchinthecorner December 29, 2020
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